Pulse power rating of resistor?


Advanced Member level 6
Jun 13, 2021
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Do you know what is the pulse rating of the resistor SMQW322RJT? (13.5 x 7.3 x 6.8mm)

Can it handle the attached power pulse? (this is what it would see)

As a way of comparison the SG73 (size 2512 = 6.3x3.1mm) resistor can do 110W for 20ms...
...so, the SMQW322RJT, being much bigger, and wirewound, you would think it would be good for at least double that?

For more comparison, the AC03 (13x4.8mm) resistor is about the same size, and can do 200W for 20ms

Even the small MMB0207 (5.5x2.2mm) can do 15W for 20ms

..So surely the SMQW322RJT could do the shown ~30W for 20ms?

And as you know, we can always do a test jig which gives it the inrush once every 30 seconds, and leave it on for a week, that should be a good test...but probz not allowable due to fire regs.


  • Inrush power pulse.png
    12.7 KB · Views: 125

TE specs for SMQ: Short time overload 5 times of rated wattage for 5 sec
Thus P = 3 W @ 150 'C, E(5s) = 15 J max for so-called "long pulses <=5s."
But for short pulses, e.g. 40 ms
Vishay Dale bases analysis and recommendations on the amount of energy required to raise the resistance element to + 350 ºC with no heat loss to the core, coating, or leads.

Integrating your curve ( using triangles) computes to 1.33 J in 0.04 s.

Using a formula for E(t) from Vishay** for a similar non-inductive wirewound (WW);

E(1s)=E(5s), but E(0.5s) = 50% E(1s) thus
E(500ms) = 50%*E(5s) and regressing this gives (I think)
E(250ms) = 25%*E(5s) = 3.75 J
E(125ms) = 12.5% E(5s) = 1.875 J
E(62 ms) = 6.3 % E(5s) = 0.9375 J
E(31 ms) = 3.1 % E(5s) = 0.47 J

Thus your energy plot of 1.33 J in 40 ms appears to exceed the max temp. rating, assuming my interpretation is correct (?)

So what do you think is the junction temperature rise and the relaxation time to room temp within 1%? This depends on convection cooling rate.

Also keep in mind reliability risks, as Vishay says in link below;

"Note that repeated pulses consisting of the short time overload magnitude are extremely stressful and can cause some resistor styles to fail."


Intertechnology's acquisitions include such top companies and businesses as Dale, Sprague, BCcomponents (former passive components businesses of Philips Electronics and Beyschlag), Draloric, Sfernice, Vitramon, Siliconix, the Telefunken semiconductor
--- Updated ---

V's specs for 22 ohms 3W implies 5 times rated current =15W in 5s max for DC = 370 mA and thus 5s long pulse spec is 1.846 A max.

You are looking for a solution to withstand a pulse starting at 45W or 1500% of rated spec. This could outgas and explode or fuse open or just tick like a voice coil and be OK once or twice. But there is no guarantee. Thermal shock is much worse than a slow ramp. If you smell anything, I suggest you keep looking.

There is no short pulse spec
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