BJTs of 20V range barely made 1GHz fT when last I worked
in bipolar technologies (pre-SiGe). SiGe devices as a rule are
optimized for low voltage operation, rarely better than the
CMOS BVdss with which they travel.
I think in this case you might prefer to use a low voltage
high frequency capable device, and a pulse transformer.
Turns ratio to get the voltage scaling between driver swing
and desired amplitude. You do not indicate the load, I'd
guess you intend 50 ohms.
Now one neat thing about the pulse transformer scheme
is, you can get to narrower pulse widths by out-phasing
two drivers (H-bridge) than you probably can pass through
one driver, itself. Phase control rather than pulse width
control. Of course then the other edge might get up to
some funny business, but you might (say) create a logic
that allows a phase difference on the leading edge and
ensures none on the falling / reset edge.
Xfmr also breaks the link between positive voltage, and
needing to then use an inferior (high side, P type) switch.
Though you could also consider a pulse transformer driven,
GaN FET (EPC has very fast, 100V range enhancement
mode devices with low Cgg) source follower / switch style
for this.