I am using 16f877
Mikro C .
i sued similar to the code in
https://embedded-lab.com/blog/?p=1443 but i changed to be for one button but was not working then i tried to use the MikroC Buttons library and i got same issue . the above example has tow buttons but i want to control the Led by one buttons only . any advice please .
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I am using 16f877
Mikro C .
i sued similar to the code in http://embedded-lab.com/blog/?p=1443 but i changed to be for one button but was not working then i tried to use the MikroC Buttons library and i got same issue . the above example has tow buttons but i want to control the Led by one buttons only . any advice please .
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This is My Code :
unsigned short current_duty, old_duty;
bit oldstate;
void Main() {
PORTA = 255;
TRISA = 255; // configure PORTA pins as input
PORTB = 0; // set PORTB to 0
TRISB = 0; // designate PORTB pins as output
PORTC = 0; // set PORTC to 0
TRISC = 0; // designate PORTC pins as output
PWM1_Init(5000); // Initialize PWM1 module at 5KHz
old_duty = 0;
current_duty = 0; // initial value for current_duty
PWM1_Set_Duty (current_duty);
PWM1_Start(); // start PWM1
do {
if (oldstate && Button(&PORTA, 0, 1, 0)) {
if (old_duty < 255) {
old_duty = old_duty +60;
PWM1_Set_Duty (current_duty);
if (current_duty != old_duty){
current_duty = old_duty;
PWM1_Set_Duty (current_duty);
if (RA0_bit) { // button on RA0 pressed