Hello, rca. Thanks for your reply.
1, Yes , the std cell library does have a power info.
2, No, The tools I used are DC , VCS , and PTPX. DC generates sdf and netlist file. VCS takes the gate-level simulation (sdf is annotated) and generates the vcd or saif file. Finally PTPX calculates the power using netlist file, sdf file and saif (or vcd) file.
3, The waveforms in PTPX and Spectre are showed in the following picture:
Zoom in:
The peak power in PTPX is about 12mW , but in Spectre is about 450uW. While the average power in PTPX is 35nW, but in Spectre is 370nW.
4, In PTPX,
Internal power: 28.6nW
Switching power: 5.8nW
Leakage power: 1.1nW total power is about 35.5nW
In Spectre I don't know how to calculate the dynamic and leakage power separately. The waveform tells that the leakage power may be 1nW - 4nW.
Total average power is about 370nW.