I simulate blocking voltage of PT-IGBT with silvaco but it doesn't work, please help me
go athena simflags="-P all"
line x loc=0.00 spac=0.2
line x loc=3. spac=.02
line x loc=4.8 spac=.02
line x loc=6. spac=.1
line x loc=11 spac=.05
line x loc=15 spac=0.1
line y loc=0 spac=.1
line y loc=0.3 spac=.01
line y loc=0.5 spac=.01
#line y loc=0.7 spac=.01
line y loc=1.2 spac=.05
#line y loc=1.4 spac=.01
line y loc=2 spac=.05
line y loc=3 spac=.2
line y loc=8 spac=.2
init silicon c.phosphor=1e14 orientation=100 two.d
relax x.min=.0 x.max=2 y.min=2 y.max=140 dir.x=t dir.y=t
deposit oxide thick=0.05 divisions=5
deposit polysilicon thick=0.3 divisions=5
etch poly start x=8 y=0.00
etch cont x=8 y=-1.00
etch cont x=15 y=-1.00
etch done x=15 y=0.00
etch oxide start x=9 y=0.00
etch cont x=9 y=-1.00
etch cont x=15 y=-1.00
etch done x=15 y=0.00
structure outfile=IGBT_khana_5.str
deposit oxide thick=0.5 divisions=5
etch oxide start x=8.5 y=0.00
etch cont x=8.5 y=-4.00
etch cont x=15 y=-4.00
etch done x=15 y=0.00
etch oxide above p1.y=-0.5
structure outfile=IGBT_khana_6.str
deposit aluminum thick=1.5 divisions=8
etch aluminum above p1.y=-0.5
etch aluminum start x=10.9 y=0.00
etch cont x=10.9 y=-4.00
etch cont x=12 y=-4.00
etch done x=12 y=0.00
electrode name=emitter x=10 y=-0.2
electrode name=emitter1 x=14 y=-0.2 right
electrode name=gate x=4 y=-0.2
structure outfile=IGBT_khana_7.str
structure flip.y
deposit silicon thick=92 c.phosphor=1e14 divisions=20 DY=0.05 YDY=0.0
deposit silicon thick=10 c.phosphor=2e16 divisions=20 DY=0.05 YDY=10.0
deposit silicon thick=10 c.boron=5e19 divisions=20 DY=0.05 YDY=20.0
deposit aluminum thick=20 divisions=3
electrode name=collector x=6
structure flip.y
struct outf=str.str
go atlas
init infile=str.str
doping gaussian junction=5 conc=1e16 n.type x.left =1.5 x.right=1.8 y.bottom=0
doping gaussian junction=5 conc=1e19 p.type x.left =11 x.right=15 y.bottom=0
doping gaussian junction=3 conc=4e17 p.type x.left =6 x.right=11 y.bottom=0
doping gaussian junction=1 conc=1e20 n.type x.left =6.2 x.right=12 y.bottom=0
structure outfile=IGBT_khana_8.str
tonyplot IGBT_khana_8.str
go atlas
init infile = IGBT_khana_8.str
models srh conmob fldmob b.electrons=2 b.holes=1 evsatmod=0 hvsatmod=0 cvt \
boltzman print temperature=300
interface qf=3e10
solve init
solve vemitter=0
solve vemitter1=0
solve vgate=0
log outf=IC_VC_full.log master
solve vcollector=0 vstep=0.1 vfinal=1 name=collector
solve vcollector=1 vstep=1 vfinal=10 name=collector
solve vcollector=10 vstep=25 vfinal=3000 name=collector
save outf=IC_VC_full.str
tonyplot IC_VC_full.log
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