I want to make a selectable power supply from a 7Ah Lead Acid battery with high voltage output (0-500v DC) and low current output.
can I directly convert batteries 12v to DC high voltages (for example 100,200,300,400,... v) or must first convert it to AC and then convert to high voltage DC (with voltage doubler circuits)???
no one can answer my question ???? I find circuit for converting 12v DC to 180v DC (in 431146[1] document number in EDN website) in this circuit no transformer and AC inverting circuit used. can I increase output current with using AC inverting circuit and then convert to DC??
and 300v DC from 12v DC (https://www.elecfree.com/electronic/dc-power-supply-300v-from-battery-12v/) (but it's circuit don't showed).