PSS analysis of integrated mixer and VCO

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Full Member level 4
Mar 4, 2004
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Hi Guys:

I had designed a standalone mixer and VCO topology, when I integrated them, I couldn't actually simulate the 1dB compression point, IIP3 point or the Output power spectrum, b'coz there's only one fundamental tone, which is the input tone, whereas the LO tone is generated by the differential VCO. Please do guide me in the simulation process. Thanks in advance


To simulate P1dB or IIP3 point , you should use a psin generator. A VCO does not function instead of them.PSS analysis needs to have at least one generator with variable power option.

A question: Why would you simulate mixer with VCO ?Because mixer can be simulated standalone.

Hi BigBoss:

In order to integrate the VCO and Mixer in obtaining a balanced modulator topology I need to simulate the performance of the integrated block step by step to verify any functionality.

Is there any other simulation command, I could use in verifying the functionality of the integrated block of VCO and Mixer. Thanks in advance


In this case, use transient analysis and then when you find once frequency of oscillation, you can go on with transient+dft to find harmonics and so on..

This is the way that I use. Maybe "if you are able to" , you can use RFDE HB but it's much complicated than transient. If you may use HB in RFDE, you'll find the frequency of oscillation and also output harmonics.

Otherwise PSS won't help you standalone..

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