I'm studying PSpice and they have a table of different label node symbols for VCC: VCC_Arrow, VCC_Bar, VCC_Circle, VCC_Wave and even plain-old VCC! What the heck is the difference? They don't explain why I would use one label over another. What's the diff?
Absolutely nothing. They are just different styles of drawing a voltage supply on the schematic. So use whatever you think is nicest except arrows because I hate them!
I'm studying PSpice and they have a table of different label node symbols for VCC: VCC_Arrow, VCC_Bar, VCC_Circle, VCC_Wave and even plain-old VCC! What the heck is the difference? They don't explain why I would use one label over another. What's the diff?
You can use any kind of node symbol but be careful with the label!!!
The label is a net name to connect! Almost of library components (TTL, CMOS,..) have default power pins (VCC, VDD, GND, VSS,..) that are invisible and automatically connected to respective netname!!!
Some time, you have to split 5V TTL (VCC) from 3.3V LV TTL (VCC too!). How to do? You simply open and edit lib file (with respective device) to change power pin property to passive or input. Then connect power pin by hand!
Some time, you want to supply TTL (VCC) and CMOS (VDD) to the same net label "5V". That's easy by wiring 2 symbols "VCC" and "VDD" with "5V"
Good lucks