PSPICE ERROR: Voltage source and/or inductor loop

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Newbie level 1
Nov 23, 2015
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I am trying to simulate an active bandpass filter in PSPICE, unfortunately I keep getting the following error involving the operational amplifier:

ERROR(ORPSIM-15143): Voltage source and/or inductor loop involving E_U2. You may break the loop by adding a series resistance.

Here's the image of the circuit. I've tried adding series resistances throughout but was not able to fix the error. Anyone know what's going on?

Two capacitors in series, without a series resistance, might confuse a simulator. It cannot determine the RC time constant.

The error may or may not be caused by this, but simulator messages are often cryptic anyway.

Try putting a low-ohm resistor inline with one or both capacitors.

I can simulate this successfully at my end.
From error message this looks to be a problem with op-amp model.
Which op-amp you are using. Ideal, non-ideal ?
Can you post your netlist ?


Are you sure that there is no short between both opamp inputs?
(Series resistors are not necessary; all nodes must have a dc connection to ground - and this requirement seems to be fulfilled in your circuit)

I think it is a problem with the opamp pspice model
you need to add it in the simulation profile (Edit simulation profile - configuration ... -- add library ) and browse to the opamp library and then add to design

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