Psoc v/s raspberry pi

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Jun 16, 2012
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I want to start a with a new platform and I m now confused that should I go for psoc or raspberry pi for this. Basically, my need is to interface some sensors to a small handheld display unit like tft screen, also there would be adc operations required. There should be facility of storing data like in it, like memory card interfacing. Also, I would like to mention that I want to restrict myself to above mentioned options only. The platform should also have good resources for reference and it should be fast to develop.



Why do you want to restrict yourself to two 'fringe' borads ?

The PSoC is rarely mentioned in most diy forums like EDA and getting hold of a RPi seems like a long waiting game.

Looking at your 'needs' it shouts Arduino to me.
Take a look at the Jarduino project which has a great touch screen that works well.

Hi 100K,
PSoC from Cypress is a microcontroller with programmable digital and analog blocks. As i read i feel this can be easily done by PSoC. To understand more about PSoC you can quickly jump to the videos/Application notes here

Anything on PSoC1 i will be more than happy to help

PSOC1 is a good way to begin your exploration in the psoc world. Get hold of a PSOC board like the EASY PSOC-I board available here in India.

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May be this tutorial may be of help to you:

I m restricting to myself because I want to work on these two domains just because of interest and financial restriction. The problem statement put forward to me was I have to interface with 5-6 sensors, display their values after some processing to a LCD, not 16x2 LCD, the LCD should something that can be mounted on dashboard, all the processing should be of automotive grade, also there should be some data logging of the input signals.

I thought for raspberry pi because it supports android. So, an android application which can be developed easily can do work for me but sensor interfacing is nedded to be learned. Also, it has memory card so it will do the data logging job. Hence, both of them are done.

Second, I thought for PSOC because it has flexibility, it is similar to FPGA, but here I don't know anything more than its name.

The problem with me is that I don't know how to work with any of them. I have to learn any of the one to get the job done. So, suggest which one of the available option is the most feasible option. I accept both of the platforms are great but which of them best suits me.

Arduino(Rs. 1000) or msp430(Rs. 250) might be a good option. But since you are more interested in PSOC or Raspberry pi, You can go with PSOC(I have worked on both the platforms).

1st of all, since its not a very big project there is no need of a SBC(raspberry pi). Cypress forum is pretty good so you can quick start quickly. PSOC can perform all the functions that you have mentioned. You were concerned about the data logging using PSOC. That is not an issue at all. In PSOC flash can be used to save your data as well. For example, if there is 32KB flash, if you complete your program code within 10kb then remaining 22kb can be used for data logging. Even if this memory isn't sufficient you can interface it to a sd card.
If you go with raspberry pi then 1st of all you need to install an OS, then you have full control of i/o pins through your os. Remember Raspberry pi is still young and forum(there is lot of activity in that forum but wrt GPIO its limited) Another IMPORTANT note there is no ADC present in RP. So you need to use external chips, Again work overhead will increase.

Take the write decision.
All the best.

pavans2510 work overhead is not an issue I want my work to be done. If there is an Arduino project you know about doing the mentioned let me know. I thought that Arduino would not be that reliable while interfacing with 6 sensors, driving a colourful graphical LCD and intefacing with SD card as it is operated at 16MHz.

Please mention any graphical LCD/TFT screens. Also, some resources regarding how to interface with graphical LCD as I have not worked on graphical LCD.

I have not seen PSOC interfacing with graphical LCD. Also the number of opamps in PSOC would not be enough for the application. I am wondering whether it can drive both of them and collect data at simultaneously or not.
In support of PSOC please refer me projects interfacing psoc with SD card, graphical LCD or TFT screen of 7"-10".

RP seems good when it comes to driving LCD/TFT and data acquisition because it use SD card. I admit that RP is a complex platform but it will perform the job and yes sensor interfacing is indeed the only problem left. But still refer me projects interfacing RP with SD card, graphical LCD or TFT screen and sensors.


PSoC can interface to Sinmple graphical LCD. Here are some Cypress application notes which might help you
**broken link removed**

I have extensively used PSoC and RAspberry Pi . Let me know your exact requirements on "what sensors you are planning to use, what is the nature of output of sensor etc" I will be able to help you on this

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PSoC can interface to Simple graphical LCD. Here are some Cypress application notes which might help you
**broken link removed**

I have extensively used PSoC and RAspberry Pi . Let me know your exact requirements on "what sensors you are planning to use, what is the nature of output of sensor etc" I will be able to help you on this

As you "want my work to be done" ... I'd suggest looking at a uLCD-32PT (other models available - thats just the one I use) from
It has built in support for pre-designed displays (meters/graphs/charts etc) and a C like language and IDE that makes it very simple to use. Interface is RS232 (honest!) and
has a built in SD card and tiny speaker. This is probably your fastest way to get professional display (it does limited media too) and there are many examples
provided. It comes with 4 holes ready to screw mount it in your enclosure.

This then reduces your project to your peripheral devices (microchip PICs or any such devices maybe) that are well supported with free examples everywhere.
All you need then is a battery and enclosure.

raspberry is better as it is more very popular and is bound to get more popular. I have never heard of PSOC anyway...but I always hear about raspberry, I believe it is very easy to program as this is mostly done using python scripts...besides it has a full fledged linux OS that will see future developments..

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