You have n! and 2^n.
2^n=2*2*...*2 n times
substitude your n by (n+1) in your inequality, you will have:
n!*(n+1)>(2^n)*2 (1)
divide it on two inequalities:
n!>2^n (2)
(n+1)>2 (3)
you see, (1) is result of multiplications (2) and (3)
You see, (3) is surely true for every n bigger then 2.
Also, if bigger1>smaller1 and bigger2>smaller2 then (bigger1*bigger2)>(smaller1*smaller2)
So, if n!>2^n is true for some number m bigger then 2, then multiplication of two true inequalities (2) and (3) will be true inequality for this number m. And result will be the proved ineqality (2) but for m+1. So, all numbers bigger then m will keep this (2) true.