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[SOLVED] Proteus Simulation need help

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Full Member level 5
Nov 27, 2011
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I am working with proteus simulator. How to set break point. when I click on pause button it doesn't any source code, I don't see any window for source code. I have gone through two videos but in my case I am facing issues. how to set break points in simulation code


  • LCD
    15.4 KB · Views: 107

First spep, pause simulation at the bottom-left side of the screen:

Second step, slelect the appropriate file at the top-left side of the screen:

Third step, double-click at the line for which you want to debug:

After restart simulation ( by pressing the 'play' button ) at next iteraction simulation will stop at this line, and you'll be able to inspect the values of the variables.

Second step, slelect the appropriate file at the top-left side of the screen:
where to select c file
second step.jpg

Step 1.5, switch from Schematic view to Code view:

Step 0: Take a tutorial to learn the basics on this tool.

Step 1.5, switch from Schematic view to Code view:
View attachment 141392

Step 0: Take a tutorial to learn the basics on this tool.
did you check attached file ?
I have searched on google and found one reason. I don't have .cof file so I have to load .cof file. I have keil How to get .cof file ?

I have no idea where you found this information, but at least one of the last projects where I used Proteus, I did not need the .COF file, but only the HEX or ELF, each for release or debug mode. You have to search on Keil IDE how to change output compilation settings.

I have no idea where you found this information, but at least one of the last projects where I used Proteus, I did not need the .COF file, but only the HEX or ELF, each for release or debug mode. You have to search on Keil IDE how to change output compilation settings.

did you check file that I have attached in my first post. I have hex file

What is the relation of the presence or absence of this file with the question initially posed? At the first post you said that you did not find a way to insert breakpoints, than later you said did not have the .cof file, and now I must preseume with the lack of interrogation punctuation that you are asking how to assign the compiled .hex file with the microcontroller ? Didn't you search this ? I haven't spent more than 5 seconds to find a video of 1: 30min explaining this in detail: Should I presume you will come back asking another question unrelated to the previous one ?

What is the relation of the presence or absence of this file with the question initially posed? At the first post you said that you did not find a way to insert breakpoints, than later you said did not have the .cof file, and now I must preseume with the lack of interrogation punctuation that you are asking how to assign the compiled .hex file with the microcontroller ? Didn't you search this ? I haven't spent more than 5 seconds to find a video of 1: 30min explaining this in detail: Should I presume you will come back asking another question unrelated to the previous one ?

Sorry I think I couldn't explain my question very well . I understand how do we burn code into micro controller in proteus simulator. I just wanted to set break point. I followed your steps in post #2. but the problem is that when I click on pause button I don't see any other window for source file

I was asking for cof file because look at this information

Have you checked my file in your simulator. Are you able to set break point in my design? once if you check file you can see and verify your all steps weather its working or not ?

the problem is that when I click on pause button I don't see any other window for source file

Review carefully the first reply on this thread; there you have the answer for that issue. Anyway, if you are not able to repeat those steps listed above, the expected action from your side is to inform us exactly what is happening on each step, preferably in clear details related to the problem addressed. If not able to tell, show a small picture, of course, not the same you attached there.

- - - Updated - - -

Have you checked my file in your simulator. Are you able to set break point in my design?

First of all I don't have Proteus here, and even having this, your project design in .dsn format is not compatible with the most recent versions of the software. Anyway let me ask something that you could have been overlooked: Do you have the source code as well ? If not, how do you expect to show any breakpoint ? It is supposed to work if you have the original file and the compiled binary file, one generated from the other.

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