Proteus ISIS: Timing of simulation is way off the mark

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Advanced Member level 4
Feb 22, 2012
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I am playing around with timers and counters, I wish to run a blinking LED that blinks every second. Unfortunately, 1 second seems like 15 seconds real time. I hit google for answers but they all blame CPU usage to be more than 100%, the problem is, my CPU usage is around 22-30%. I was thinking there might be some settings that I am missing.

I would appreciate if someone could help me on this. Thank you.
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Re: Proteus ISIS: Timing of simulation is way off the mark. Help please!

You should know that ANY simulation tool does it within a different time base than the original, which is the price you pay for having visibility to all internal states of the CPU registers. If you want a simulation a little faster, you have to buy a more powerful PC, or rent the processing of a supercomputer in some university that has it available, for which you have to spend a lot of money.

Re: Proteus ISIS: Timing of simulation is way off the mark. Help please!

Thanks sir, I'd rather build the circuit instead. ^_^

Is the frequency of the CPU what you think it is? Proteus ignores the external crystal frequency. Instead select properties of the CPU and select the clock frequency from there.

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