Re: Proteus/Arduino Compiler "No rule to make target `math.l', needed by `libraries'.
That's what I'm doing now as a workaround, I was hoping to use one IDE for all my work on arduino..that was one reason why I bought Proteus..
this is a bad workaround, as the default arduino compiler doesn't output debug symbols needed for line-by-line debugging!
here's the solution, and the explanation of Proteus' library location logic:
* the main Arduino libraries are located in Arduino IDE's folder in Program Files, where you installed them from Proteus' compilers dialog. these include LiquidCrystal, ethernet, EEPROM, etc, but not the default avr-gcc libs. when you want to add more libraries you downloaded - put them there (C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries on my computer). you include them with these brackets: <>. for example:
* when you split your code into .h/.c files for your current project, creating your own libraries for that project only, you include them with quote marks "". this is a nice way to organize your project as it gets larger. also, your project's code is embedded in Proteus' .pdsprj project file. You can move them to a real filesystem folder (the one your .pdsprj is) by right clicking your project's folder in Proteus' VSM section > Project Settings > uncheck Embed Files > OK. You can then edit them using Notepad++ or
CodeBlocks Arduino IDE (my recommendation!). example:
#include "MyLedBlinker.h"
*on compilation, the default Arduino and avr-libc code is copied to the compilation directory (either a temp folder or your project's folder) and compilation is carried out. this means that you access those libraries as you would your own, with "". examples:
#include "math.h"
#include "avr/pgmspace.h"
#include "util/delay.h"
finally, that's the answer to your question:
math.h is included with: