[SOLVED] Proteus 8.1 Arduino Error in compiling

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i just use BareboneArduino.DSN and programmed his Atmega328 with Arduino BLINK Example(Attached)
but when compiling herein message appear:


  • New Folder.rar
    20.7 KB · Views: 142

Just Let Proteus install old version of Arduino. Then click Check and Check All buttons. Then try to compile the code in Proteus but don't include and header files. I tried without header files and it worked. If Arduino installed by Proteus is replaced by latest version then it won't work. I tried it. Maybe the path of make file is different.

Windows 8.1 x64
1. Copy All files from Proteus Arduino directory to Arduino IDE directory (from c:\Program Files (x86)\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 8 Professional\Tools\Arduino to c:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino)
2. Run Proteus
3. Click Source Code icon to open source code window
4. Go to System, then Compilers Configuration.
5. Set cursor on row Arduino AVR
6. Click button Manual
7. Select Arduino IDE directory
6. Enjoy
tested on Arduino IDE 1.6.4

The problem solved after installing Arduino 1.5.3 instead of update version 1.6.3. May be newer versions is not stable enough!!!

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