Proteus- 48V to 12V(DC) Push Pull SMPS with UC2525 OutB Problem :S

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Member level 3
Dec 12, 2014
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Hello dear edaboard members ;

I'm really tired of getting the same error from proteus I have 48 to 12 V dc-dc converter pre-design(not completed to apply in real life) with UC2525 PWM regulator chip. My problem is when i am trying to drive to mosfet gates(IRFZ44N) PWM-A(pin-11) is nearly correct but PWM-B(pin-14) is about to gnd.(some 1V peaks when the rise and fall times of PWMA faced). I hope i could explain my problem :S

Here is the proteus design. One thing you should do after open .dsn file with proteus simply push start simulation button then observe digital osciloscope.

Note : The one who do not know how to open .dsn files with proteus(7,8,etc) simply File/Import Legacy Project/ Browse Schematic then import my .dsn file

Edit : My file is directly project file so you don't need to import it just click it two times(in .rar format)

Thanks in advance


  • 48-12(Wandler).rar
    22 KB · Views: 369

I uploaded .pdf format for one who could not display it into proteus.

Here is :


  • 48-12.PDF
    99 KB · Views: 350

Hello Brother, are you fine?
Weel, your circuit it's correct guy but when you use UC2525, you need link the PIN3 (SYNC) in VCC, because is necessary turn on the internal synchronizer.
If you use o UC3525, the logic is reverse!you have link the PIN3(SYNC) in the GND.
I test your circuit and send the print of my page( Simulation Proteus) for you see...

Thank you so much my friend. Also, it is late i know but im fine thank you

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