Protel schematic size

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Newbie level 2
Oct 17, 2005
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I have a PCB layout PCBdoc file in PROTEL that im gonna send to production, but i think the diagram is oversized and i would like to know the exact size corresponding to the parts , it has some DIP microchips and smt caps and connectors, is there some way to figure out how to do that
thanks for any help

You need to create a gerber file and send it to your manufacturers. I doubt they will be interested in your schematic, unless you're paying them to do the layout.

As for the component sizes, as long as you have chosen the right packages, then they will be the right size. You'll be able to get the sizes from the layout view.

I dont understand exactly your question.
If you want to display the area of the component (that how big is it), you can turn on the Top overlay (or bottom overlay) in Board layers menu.

If you have exported your files in gerber (2:3, 2:4 or 2:5) and you want to print our the board in exact size, you shall select it in page setup menu (to print it in 1:1) and select scaling to Scaled print and scale to 1.00 (usually it is by default fit to page)

P*otel schematic size

I would say it would be better to make one of your own PCB'S first to prove that it all works ann then any adjustments can be made before they get sent ohter wise it could cost you more


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