ok about the element thermocouple, proskit has responded and its an E type. i also have experimented with my multimeter which uses k type, i powered up this 24v element with a 15v transformer so thats it stays at low temperature, when the temperature was stable at 352 degree c with a k type thermocouple, i pluged out the k type and inserted the leads of element thermocouple and the result was 432 degree C. the only curves steeper than k type are J and E types. so i guess they are being honest. and it make sense because using steeper curves wont require op-amps with very small offset voltage, hence reducing their cost.
well as far as my concern my Ad595 is a waste then. now i can only use it with E type, measure the ad595 voltage at every 5 degree step and make a look up table in the pic controller, the values between the 5 degree jump would be linear and it wont make that big error i suppose, i hope i can use this ic as an op-amp, catch me if i am wrong.