Proportional speed control for RC control car

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Newbie level 5
Apr 6, 2005
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proportional with sm6135

Normally, for RC control car once you press a trigger to make the car go forward, the trigger causes a pair of electrical contacts to touch, completing a circuit connected to a specific pin of an integrated circuit (IC).

The completed circuit causes the transmitter to transmit a set sequence of electrical pulses.Each sequence contains a short group of synchronization pulses, followed by the pulse sequence.

For our example, the pulse sequence is 16 pulses (forward), which means that the IC sends positive current to the motor running the wheels. If the next pulse sequence were 40 pulses (reverse), the IC would invert the current to the same motor to make it spin in the opposite direction.

However, the speed of the car is restricted to only one constant speed. what i'm trying to design is, the speed of the car will varry proportionally to how hard you press the trigger. Can someone help me in terms of how i'm going to do it and what are the recommeded components for this particular design

sm6135 circuit

What type of controller are you using, most commercially avaliable RC controllers transmit a PWM signal and that determines speed. By how long or short the signal is active. I found one design might interest you.

Added after 2 minutes:

Oops you need to scrol down to the bottom of the list on the right hand side and there is a project called Xenon-9, which is a speed control for an RC car. I am no way affiliated with these guys but the design may work for you. Hope this helped.

Added after 47 seconds:

Okay its late, its on the LEFT hand side.

sm6135 rc control

i 'am workking in a similiar Project but using a Pc to controle the Car
the Transmitter is a TX-2B (SM6135)

you can use the Turbo Pin to Increase the Speed or have 3 Speed using Pin Forward and Turbo (01,10,11)

if you are intersting to share some info
u can reach me in ICQ

rc sm6135

Rc motors can consume a tremendous amount of amperage. Especially when stalled. Use an rc speed controller that is built to handle it. If the trigger turns a potentiometer then you can install a microcontroller in the handset that converts the analog signal to a frequnency. Then you can have a microcontroller in the car that picks up the frequncy and converts it to a pwm signal that is sent to the speed controller. I reaserched this quite extensively a while back. Let me know if you need more help i can walk through this with you.

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