Normally W+2G is enough but you can extend top ground more than this value.
The major drawback of large top grounds is their size as expected. If size is not your concern, I would choose ground planes large if I were you, because this way you are partially shielding your center line from unwanted couplings and noise.
The right way around to know the effect is to simulate different topologies. If I remember correctly, I think I have checked the effect of top ground plane size, and there was no obvious difference between results. (but I had used lots of vias to connect top grounds to the bottom ground).
Yes, you should use vias and I think it's a must at W band. This way the quality of your ground will be improved.
As far as I know, if you have discontinuity (just to be sure that we are on the same page, by discontinuity here I mean something like 90 degrees cross) using airbridge is a good practice and I don't understand what it has to do with top surface being fully metalized. But we can say that using vias also obviates the need for airbridges in here.