ezusb cy64613
This thread is getting big. I thought Id have time to read the new msgs in a couple of minutes. But I dont have so much time now. Will read them carefully tomorrow.
The source C files that I got was the .sys driver propossed by Cypress. it can be donwloaded from their web as part of the EZ-USB kit. The source makes reference to a well known book that has been posted here at edaboard (I dont remember the exact title).Ill post the c here when I get back home.
This drivers handles the power up and initial load of the CY. It does a 8051reset, downloads a "loader" that is suppossed to be the routines to handle the external RAM (which we dont need). and then after another reset, the user "firmware" The later is linked to the .sys and contains the code for the CY in intel hex format.
It is important to determine if the Brazilian labs had cloned the real microchip ICD2 or they developed the clone emulating the USB interface.
If the brazilians developed the code it will surelly be protected into the chip with CPPon
If microchip developed the code I think it will not be protected because they seem to be using the same philosofy of a bootloader and an operating system. With the code protection on, the bootloader could not modify the internal program memory to upgrade the software of the 4450. Take into account that they can even easyly upgrade the code on the CY. As well as in the 877.
Added after 1 hours 59 minutes:
the link to the cypress soft is:
https://www.cypress.com/portal/serv...ts&r_title=CY3671 - EZ-USB FX Development Kit
I dont think that such a link will work so here is plan b
search for the name of the chip cy7c6413 at cypress and the scroll down to development kits.
Two zips are available. The one that is 60Megs contains an exe which installs everything including the sources and manuals.
I think that the driver is discussed or based on the book mantioned at "loader.c"
I dont understand very much of USB but it is not HID,
It is highly probable that microchip just did minor changes to this loader.c Including the brand name, If you see at the strings that the microchip .sys contains, you will find "anchor chips" or something like that. That was the firm that developed the processor cy7c6413 that was then purchased by cypress.
You see? This is not even Cypress stuff but older.
Thanks for the USB monitoring it is going to be very useful. Didnt have a real ICD so I had no way to get it.
Im still on my trip. Ill get a beer for the advances that the people made on this project right now.