Project to build a PICmicro programmer/duplicator - PICMATE

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duplicator - picm

sara mohammadian said:
hi, i have a question. what do you mean by duplicator? i want to know that if i can access to the hex file of locked ic(pic). thanks

If you have a master chip with code protect off, you can use this master to read and then program another chip. This is the function of a duplicator.

Once the code is protected, you cannot access the HEX code inside the chip.



picmate basic

sara mohammadian said:
hi, i have a question. what do you mean by duplicator? i want to know that if i can access to the hex file of locked ic(pic). thanks
Instead of using a EEprom to store hex files and then program a fresh PIC in standalone mode, Ravi is using the programmed PIC device itself but it shud be open to read. Once a PIC is written using a PC, the same can be duplicated any number of times without using PC. Nice idea for bulk programming. Nice work Ravi. Good luck

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