Project that Demonstrates Preemptive Scheduling

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Member level 4
Jun 16, 2018
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I am looking for a real world project that demonstrates Pre-emptive Scheduling. The information I have found on the internet so far only explains the pre-emptive in pieces. I understand what preemptive scheduling is, but I don't know how to apply it for a specific project.

In preemption, the scheduler decides which task(s) to run, when, and for how long.

My strategy is this: First I should have a specific project in which I can implement preemptive scheduling.

Please anyone suggest me a project in which preemptive scheduling can be implemented

I'm not aware of such examples.
Thinking about what you were asking earlier, I'm not sure you should go directly to such a system.
Apparently you were trying to communicate between a PC and another device potentially implementing
an MCU, and you wanted to switch motors and blink LEDs, which can be done even without any kind
of scheduler.
And beside this, your strategy seems to consist in finding anything that implements preemptive
scheduling. Is it a study project in which you want to implement some kind of preemptive scheduler?
If yes, that makes sense, but I think you should first play with (and master) simpler systems.
If yes, that makes sense, but I think you should first play with (and master) simpler systems.
Hi Dora.

I have successfully sent data to PC and received data from PC using Uart Protocol. I have successfully sent data display. I have successfully read the analog input with the help of spi ADC. I have successfully read the analog input with the help of i2c ADC. And tried many more experiments with PIC micro.

Is it a study project in which you want to implement some kind of preemptive scheduler?
I have read many tutorials on scheduling and I understand what is scheduling I think this is the right time to learn how to implement scheduling for a real project.

I have spent a lot of time to find a real project in which preemptive scheduling can be implemented.

If I get a project like this my first priority is to find out how many tasks the system can handle.

What are the important tasks that should be performed first.

What are the tasks that should follow their deadline?

If a task is waiting because another task is running, what effect will this have on the task?

What are the tasks that can be divided into sub-tasks?

There are many things that can be understood by studying the actual project. That's the main reason I'm looking at the real project


What I was saying is that it looks your purpose is to implement a preemptive scheduling to a system
that does not necessarily need it. I have one question: can you first describe the problem that you
think you cannot solve without a preemptive scheduler, and especially what lead you to conclude that
you cannot make it without preemption?

Usuallly on a small microcontroller with minimal resources, you want to keep things simple.


I have one question: can you first describe the problem that you think you cannot solve without a preemptive scheduler,
you repeated my question to me.

Till now i have not faced the problem in my project where i only need scheduling.

I don't think learning new technology will hurt. That's why I am looking for such project, in this only Preempative Scheduling is allowed.

I also want to ask you a question, have you ever done a project that requires only scheduling ?

The question is asked only to learn something, its purpose is not to argue.

Isn't the word "benefits" better than " Need"? The purpose is achieved by both the things but the use of any one thing gives more benefit.

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