i am using "RFID-RC522" modules based MFRC522.
i am trying to work with it using HDL programming, in my case Verilog, but i am having hard time configuring it.
i tried to configure it in such way that it will raise IRQ when it read RF-ID, but i have no success.
i would be very thankful your help.
summary of the code:
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i am using "RFID-RC522" modules based MFRC522.
i am trying to work with it using HDL programming, in my case Verilog, but i am having hard time configuring it.
i tried to configure it in such way that it will raise IRQ when it read RF-ID, but i have no success.
i would be very thankful your help.
reg [7:0] rAddress = {`READ, 6'h01, 1'b0}; //Read Address 0x01
reg [15:0] rPackage_to_Send = 8'h08; //Data of the firt 'Write Command'
reg [31:0] rReading_Data = 0; //UID - Unique Identification , 4 Bytes of ID from the card, this must be send to the FIFO
reg sSCK = 0;
assign oSCK = sSCK; //Driving Clock to RFID
always @(posedge iClock) begin // devide clock by 2
sSCK = ~sSCK;
always @(posedge iClock) begin // working on falling edge, because SPI prefers data being changed when clock at 0 and stable when clock at 1
if(iReset == 1) begin
//Reset Registers/Signals
rCase_Machine <= 0;
rBits_Counter <= 0;
rAddress <= {`READ, 6'h01, 1'b0}; //Read Address 0x01
rPackage_to_Send <= 8'h08;
rReading_Data <= 0;
//Reset I/Os
oMOSI = 0;
oNSS = 1;
oData = 0;
oWriteEnable = 0;
timer_counter = 0;
end else if (sSCK==1'b1) begin
case (rCase_Machine)
(0): begin // Read Address 0x01 to see if its ready to work
if (rBits_Counter<8) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rAddress[7-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else if (rBits_Counter>=8 && rBits_Counter<=15) begin
rReading_Data[23-rBits_Counter] <= iMISO; // using 'rReading_Data' as data saving temporary because of the need to save as much space as possible.
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
if ((rReading_Data[15:8] & 8'h10) == 0) begin
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h02, 1'b0}, 8'ha0 }; //write Address 0x02, Data: 0xa0
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(1): begin //write Address 0x02, Data: 0xa0
if (rBits_Counter<16) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rPackage_to_Send[15-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h03, 1'b0}, 8'h80 }; //write Address 0x03, Data: 0x80
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(2): begin //write Address 0x03, Data: 0x80
if (rBits_Counter<16) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rPackage_to_Send[15-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rCase_Machine <=rCase_Machine + 1;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h04, 1'b0}, 8'ha0 }; //write Address 0x04, Data: 0xa0
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(3): begin //Write Address 0x04, Data: 0xa0
if (rBits_Counter<16) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rPackage_to_Send[15-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h0a, 1'b0}, 8'h80 }; //write Address 0x0a, Data: 0x80
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(4): begin //Write Address 0x0A, Data: 0x80. Reseting FIFO
if (rBits_Counter<16) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rPackage_to_Send[15-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h13, 1'b0}, 8'h0C }; //write Address 0x13, Data: 0x0c
rReading_Data[15:8] <= 0;
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(5): begin //Write Address 0x0A, Data: 0x80. Reseting FIFO
if (rBits_Counter<16) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rPackage_to_Send[15-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h17, 1'b0}, 8'h84 }; //write Address 0x17, Data: 0x84
rReading_Data[15:8] <= 0;
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(6): begin //Write Address 0x17, Data: 0x84
if (rBits_Counter<16) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rPackage_to_Send[15-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h01, 1'b0}, 8'h09 }; //write Address 0x01, Data: 0x09
rReading_Data[15:8] <= 0;
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(7): begin //write Address 0x01, Data: 0x09, enable receiving data
oWriteEnable = 0;
if (rBits_Counter<16) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rPackage_to_Send[15-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rReading_Data[15:8] <= 0;
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rAddress <= {`READ, 6'h07, 1'b0}; // Read StatusReg
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(8): begin //Wait for IRQ, IRQ = Received Full Data Frame
if (iIRQ==1) begin // IRQ == New Data Valid
rAddress <= {`READ, 6'h0a, 1'b0}; // Read address 0x0A
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
timer_counter <= 0;
else begin // Read StatusReg for IRQ
if (rBits_Counter<8) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rAddress[7-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else if (rBits_Counter>=8 && rBits_Counter<=15) begin
rReading_Data[23-rBits_Counter] <= iMISO; // using 'rReading_Data' as data saving temporary because of the need to save as much space as possible.
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
if ((rReading_Data[15:8] & 8'h10) == 8'h10) begin
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(9): begin //Read address 0x0A and see if there is any Data stored in FIFO Recv
if (rBits_Counter<8) begin
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rAddress[7-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else if (rBits_Counter>=8 && rBits_Counter<=15) begin
rReading_Data[23-rBits_Counter] <= iMISO; // using 'rReading_Data' as data saving temporary because of the need to save as much space as possible.
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
if (rReading_Data[15:8] > 0) begin // Dat is not empty
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rAddress <= {`READ, 6'h09, 1'b0};// read address 0x09
else begin //FIFO had no data, enable recveing data frame again.
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h01, 1'b0}, 8'h09 }; //write Address 0x01, Data: 0x09
rCase_Machine <= 6;
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(10): begin // read data from Address 0x09
if (rBits_Counter<8) begin //Send The Reading Address
oNSS = 0;
oMOSI = rAddress[7-rBits_Counter];
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else if (rBits_Counter >= 8 && rBits_Counter <=39) begin // Read the Reading Address
rReading_Data[39-rBits_Counter] <= iMISO;
rBits_Counter <= rBits_Counter + 1;
end else begin
oNSS = 1;
rCase_Machine <= rCase_Machine + 1;
rBits_Counter <= 0;
(11): begin //Sending Data to FIFO
if(i_IsFull==0) begin// i guess its 0 when not full
oWriteEnable = 1;
oData = rReading_Data;
rCase_Machine <= 8;
rPackage_to_Send[15:0] <= {{`WRITE, 6'h01, 1'b0}, 8'h09 }; //write Address 0x01, Data: 0x09
summary of the code:
1. // Read Address 0x01 to see if its ready to work
2. //write Address 0x02, Data: 0xa0
3. //write Address 0x03, Data: 0x80
4.//Write Address 0x04, Data: 0xa0
5. //Write Address 0x0A, Data: 0x80. Reseting FIFO
6.//Write Address 0x0A, Data: 0x80. Reseting FIFO
7.//Write Address 0x17, Data: 0x84
8.//write Address 0x01, Data: 0x09, enable receiving data
9.//Wait for IRQ, IRQ = Received Full Data Frame
10.//Read address 0x0A and see if there is any Data stored in FIFO Recv
11.// read data from Address 0x09
12.//Sending Data to FIFO
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