This driver has 3 transistor keys on voltage of 200V, current to 6A. Its task is to control the level of light which behaves in a natural way, similar to solar lighting mode. In the driver configuration you can set:
- start time of the brightening mode „sunrise”
- initial value of the light level (given in %)
- time between successuve incrementations/decrementations (given in min)
- incrementation/decrementation step (given in %)
- residual value of the light level (given in %)
- start time of the dimming mode (sunset)
The regulation of brightness is made via hardware PWM. In general, the driver is designed to be „tied” between the existing DC power supply and the receiver, which is in this case made of 1W LEDs connected in series of 40 pieces. However, there is no problem with processing it to the AC phase controller with triac as executive part.
The board:
The main element is Atmega8 on internal 8MHz quartz. Time is countdown by PCF8583 connected to the I2C bus. RTC clock is additionally maintained on battery. The system is equipped with LCD display 2x16 compatible with the HD44780 and five-button keyboard.
Link to original thread (useful attachment) –
Programowalny sterownik oświetlenia DC v1.0