i didn't use adc module, as the pic has it's own built in it, i only used operational amplifier to give accurate readings of the voltage and ampere, and by the way here is a code program which measure voltage, ampere, watt and resistance, and i need to modify it to only measure voltage and current.
unsigned char ch;
unsigned int Napon_rd, Struja_rd;
unsigned long u, i, power, res;
#include "Ar2r.h"
void main()
INTCON = 0; // Disable all interrupts
Usart_Init(19200); // Initialize USART module (8 bit, 38400 baud rate, no parity)
// (I think this is bug in MikroC, Init is on 19200 but it
// actualy works at speed 38400)
Lcd_Init(&PORTB); // Lcd_Init, see Autocomplete
LCD_Cmd(LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // send command to LCD (cursor off)
Ar2r(); // Show splash screen
LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR); // send command to LCD (clear LCD)
ADCON1 = 0x88; // configure Vref, and analog channels
TRISA = 0xFF; // designate PORTA as input
while (1)
// Voltage
Napon_rd=ADC_read(1); // get ADC value for U from channel 1
u=(long)Napon_rd*3500; // covert adc reading to milivolts
u=u/1023; // 0..1023 -> 0-3500mV
ch=u/1000; // extract 10.00 U digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
if (ch==0)
LCD_Chr(1,2, 32); // write empty space if digit is 0
LCD_Chr(1,2,48+ch); // write ASCII digit at 1st row, 2nd column
ch=(u/100) %10; // extract 01.00 U digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
LCD_Chr_CP('.'); // write '.' at cursor point
Usart_Write(','); // write ',' on serial port
ch=(u/10) %10; // extract 00.10 U digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
ch=u %10; // extract 00.01 U digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
//if (Button(&PORTD, 1, 1, 0)) // read jumper 2 ON/OFF for last digit of U
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
//LCD_Chr_CP(32); // write empty space at cursor point
LCD_Chr_CP('V'); // write 'V' at cursor point
Usart_Write('V'); // write 'V' on serial port
Usart_Write('\n'); // write '\n' on serial port
// Curent
Struja_rd=ADC_read(0); // get ADC value for I from channel 0
i=(long)Struja_rd*3500; // covert adc reading to milivolts
i=i/1023; // 0..1023 -> 0-3500mV
ch=i/1000; // extract 1.000 I digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
LCD_Chr(1,10,48+ch); // write ASCII digit at 1st row, 10th column
LCD_Chr_CP('.'); // write '.' at cursor point
Usart_Write(','); // write ',' on serial port
ch=(i/100) %10; // extract 0.100 I digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
ch=(i/10) %10; // extract 0.010 I digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
ch=i %10; // extract 0.001 I digit
Usart_Write(48+ch); // write ASCII digit on serial port
//if (Button(&PORTD, 0, 1, 0)) // read jumper 1 ON/OFF for last digit of I
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
//LCD_Chr_CP(32); // write empty space at cursor point
LCD_Chr_CP('A'); // write 'A' at cursor point
Usart_Write('A'); // write 'A' on serial port
Usart_Write('\n'); // write '\n' on serial port
//Power Calculation
ch=power/1000; // extract 10.00 P digit
if (ch==0)
LCD_Chr(2,2, 32); // write empty space if digit is 0
LCD_Chr(2,2,48+ch); // write ASCII digit at 2nd row, 2nd column
ch=(power/100) %10; // extract 01.00 P digit
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
LCD_Chr_CP('.'); // write '.' at cursor point
ch=(power/10) %10; // extract 0.10 P digit
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
ch=power %10; // extract 0.01 P digit
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
LCD_Chr_CP('W'); // write 'W' at cursor point
// Resistance Calculation
LCD_Out(2,10," "); // write empty space
LCD_Chr_CP(243); // write 'infinity' at cursor point
LCD_Out(2,13," "); // write empty space
LCD_Chr_CP(244); // write 'ohm' at cursor point
LCD_Out(2,10," > 1K"); // write " > 1K"
LCD_Chr_CP(244); // write 'ohm' at cursor point
ch=res/1000; // extract 100.0 R digit
if (ch==0)
LCD_Chr(2,10, 32); // write empty space if digit is 0
LCD_Chr(2,10,48+ch); // write ASCII digit at 2nd row, 10th column
ch=(res/100) %10; // extract 010.0 R digit
if (ch==0 && res<=99)
LCD_Chr_CP(32); // write empty space if digit is 0
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
ch=(res/10) %10; // extract 001.0 R digit
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
LCD_Chr_CP('.'); // write '.' at cursor point
ch=res %10; // extract 000.1 R digit
LCD_Chr_CP(48+ch); // write ASCII digit at cursor point
LCD_Chr_CP(244); // write 'ohm' at cursor point
//Delay_ms(50); // Waits 50ms
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that program display the readings on both lcd and pc, and what i need is to only show on pc--can this be modified to work for my circuit goal?