program to generate a pwm wave of 40 KHz needed

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Re: pic pwm

Check this code @ **broken link removed**. It can be a good start for you.

By the way, which pic you are using and what is your crystal frequency?

Amr Ali

Here is a sample code in mikroC:

//Program to generate 40kHz output at RC2(CCP1) pin
//Microcontroller: Microchip PIC18452
//Language: C
//Compiler: mikroC v8.20
//Programmer: Tahmid

void main (void){
     TRISC = 0;
     PORTC = 0;
     ADCON1 = 7;
     T2CON = 0;
     TMR2 = 0;
     PWM1_Init(40000); //40kHz
     PWM1_Change_Duty(128); //50% duty cycle
// Choose Duty cycle as such:
// PWM_Change_Duty(x);
// x = ( (Duty Cycle in %) / 100) * 255
     PWM1_Start(); //Start PWM
     while (1){ //Loop forever
// Whatever else might be needed to be done while PWM is running

'Program to generate 40kHz output at RC2(CCP1) pin
'Microcontroller: Microchip PIC18452
'Language: BASIC
'Compiler: mikroBASIC PRO for PIC v3.20
'Programmer: Tahmid

program PWM40kHz

     TRISC = 0
     PORTC = 0
     ADCON1 = 7
     PWM1_Init(40000) '40kHz
     PWM1_Set_Duty(128) '50% duty cycle
' Choose Duty cycle as such:
' PWM_Set_Duty(x)
' x = ( (Duty Cycle in %) / 100) * 255
     PWM1_Start() 'Start PWM
     while (1) 'Loop forever
' Whatever else might be needed to be done while PWM is running

Hope this helps.

hello tamid
please help me here
i am using PIC18F4520 , i want to generate 4 pwm signals with phase shift of 90 degrees(delay), same frequency and same duty cycle
PWM of 500K frequency and crystal frequency of 20M
i also want to be able the change the pwm duty cycle based on ADC output
i am using MikroC pro

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