Product Prototyping form, How to?

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Bus Master

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Dec 9, 2001
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Hi all,

I intend to design a form that will be filled by our design engineers and my client at the start if designing any embedded system product. This form must contain all the system specs (I/P and O/P signals, Display type, Power supply signals, Signal descriptions, No. of PCBs/system, ADC/ DAC Specs, ..., etc.).

I wonder if there is any standard form in this field.

Anybody can help?

Thanks in advance.


A standard form would be like a standard embedded system. I.m.o. there would be to mutch variables to put it into a form. Maybe if the system was modulair it would make more sense.

How does the professional embedded systems design houses make a written agreements with thier clients? How does bith of them approve the technical specs of the device under development?

"Normally" the client writes a requirement specification that you review with your
team and then both you and the client agree on it. The requirement specification
deals mainly with interfaces.
Then you write a design specification that describes the inner workings and review
it with your team and get their approval.

I say "normally" because in my experience the client often hasn't got a clue of
what they want to buy... In these cases it is vital that you have written agreements
on what the project is about - and most importantly - its cost.


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