Problems with 8 bit DDS as it stops "half way"

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dds simulation on modelsim

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dds change offset

err we know that The vertical scale on the "sine" signal is from -128 to +127:
is there a way that i change shift the whole sine signal like 128 to 255

dds xilinix ise

My ModelSim display has a vertical scale of -128 to +127 because I configured ModelSim that way. It wasn't that way by default. If you want to change your vertical scale to something else, use the radix/offset/scale/height settings that I mentioned earlier.

DDS Help

Do you want to modify the signal in your HDL code (instead of modifying ModelSim's display)? You can do that by multiplying the signal by a scaling factor and than adding an offset constant. For example, to convert from range -128 to +127, to range 128 to 255, you could multiply by 0.5 and then add 192.

Re: DDS Help

err i try already but errr offset everything just change the size of the wave
but still i see - and + on my wave

DDS Help

Did you remember to change the data bus type or width to accommodate the larger values?
Values from 128 to 255 will overflow an 8-bit signed data bus, and cause false negative values.

Re: DDS Help

Hi hope this pdf file which deals with the complete technical details of DDS can help you with your queries.You can find all the relevant terchnical details.

Re: DDS Help

Hi this is another pdf file that deals about reconfigurable quadrature oscillator based on direct digital synthesis.This can give u some more insight about scaling the frequency and adjustment of the various quadrature parameters.

Re: DDS Help

This is a direcr digital synthesis primer ,a technical overview by analog devices.

Re: sine table vhdl dds vhd

How can I make Modelsim view my sine wave as in the quoted message's attachment above?? My sine wave seems just binary numbers

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