problem with .TRAN y SWEEP

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Newbie level 4
Apr 17, 2013
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For one side I have:

.tran 5p 3n sweep temp 25 65 20

and for the other hand:

.tran 5p 3n sweep temp 1.2 0.6 -0.025

I would like to make a .tran that increase the temp 20º to 20º, and in each increase, do the second .tran (.tran 5p 3n sweep temp 1.2 0.6 -0.025)complete.

In other words, do (.tran 5p 3n sweep temp 1.2 0.6 -0.025) three times this, with 25, 45 and 65 degrees.

Thanks for your attention

dont use sweep can always use .alter or .data ....cut and paste the temperatures and voltages you need to do.
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Hi artmalik.

I was trying with data, doing something like this

.tran 5p 3n data=data1 data=data2

.data data1
+ temp
+ 25
+ 45
+ 65

.data data2

But I dont know where i must put the "datas" in the .tran

How would be the correct form?


use only one .data
.data data1
+ temp vdd
+ 25 1.175
+ 25 1.15
+ 65 1.05
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Thanks artmalik! it works perfectly.

Only one question more.

There are a shortly form to represent the values of data, instead of writing a line for each combination?

Thanks for all.

Well you always port it to xls file and post process it. Thats what i do.
If you change from .data to .alter which does the same thing and use the following options it will print the data in a single line with all the options. you can print the voltage of the simulation using the following command. The temp is printed by default. This way you can have all the data in a simple xls compatible file.
..meas design_vdd param='vddp'

.option measform= 1
.option measfile = 1

I was reading about the measform and measfile because it will be the next thing that i need.
I need a file with an compatible excel format, and i read that "measform" do that.

But I put this on mi .sp file and the results are the same. Where I must write de ".option measform=" command?

This is my file, (i´m using hspice 2004)


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