Problem with pic programmer

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Thank you Eraser!
There is an other question: How can I calibrtate the programmer?
On Calibration/Test page there is Z-voltage, U-divider, Auto adjust offset and gain, and Programming voltage test, etc. But how must I use it?
In program test/calibration page the Vpp is 10, 11, 12, 13V, but when I measure, there are lower:

pic programer error code:997

I don´t calibrate mine, and works...
i have built mine for a short time, and i dont know how calibration works..
If someone can explain me too, i apreciate that......


To calibrate Vpp just press the button marked "3: Auto-adjust offset and gain" (in the calibration/Test tab in USBurn)


Then go back to the main window of USBurn and scroll down. It will say if the programmer was calibrated successfully.

I still can't get my Brenner8-Pr4 to work. My Brenner8 r2 works fine though.

brenner8 usb programmer

I did it, and my burner also say in main window: calibrated succesfully. That's all? Can I try to burn any PIC, or what else have I check?

sprut brenner 8p

Computerman29 said:
You should be good to go - just check the website once in a while for firmwawre updates. Have fun.
Thank You Computerman29!

Added after 5 hours 4 minutes:

Added after 1 minutes:

The new problem: There is a zener (BZX97C 3.3V, position3) on board, but on mine board it is 3.97V. I tryed to cahnge the zener itself with a new BZX97C, but with the new zener it is also 3.97V.
How can I correct this?

usburn driver

change the zener , replace other type....or check the resistor that in serie with zener...

firmware y bootloader para brenner8p mini

Maybe you have the wrong zener? or maybe wrong polarity?

Also check for solder bridges - especially where the traces go between IC pins.

pic burner brenner8 for windows vista

Computerman29 said:
Maybe you have the wrong zener? or maybe wrong polarity?

Also check for solder bridges - especially where the traces go between IC pins.
Thanks for Your reply, but checked the zener, it works fine, and in mini Brenner there is no traces between IC pins.

Added after 9 minutes:

Eraser said:
...or check the resistor that in serie with zener...
Yes! You gived me the right tip! I mistaked, and the resistor was only 33ohms, and not 330ohms. Replaced to 330ohms, and everyethig is ok! The reference voltage is 3.3V=3.29V, and the Vpp:


I hope this is ok, and my programmer will work fine!

My regards to you, and of course to Computerman29!

Added after 31 minutes:

All voltages is ok, but programmer do not work:
**broken link removed**
If I press the identify pic programmer button, just come a message: this pic id is not in database...but the select hex button is inactive.

pic burner brenner8/9 usburn windows vista

Unplug the programmer
Start USBurn
Plug in programmer
Click "Detect Programmer"

That has worked for me before.

BTW, Did you build the mini-p or the mini? I had problems with the p-version (never did get it to work), but the non-p version worked flawlessly when I built it. Both were the non mini through-hole designs.

us burn pic programmer by sprut

This is Silviu-Layout I think miniP
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Added after 53 minutes:

If I try to programming PIC16Fxx, and I select 18pin/ICSP, it's work fine:
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But if I try programming PIC18Fxx it is not possible, because there is inactive buttons:
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how to programm brenner 18f2550

With your hardware, the only option is 18 pin/ICSP. Because you don't have the ZIF socket, which exists in the original version of Brenner8.

Choose 18 pin/ICSP, and use an ICSP connector to connect your application board, with the PIC to be programmed on it, to the programmer (Brenner8 mini/miniP). I've done it and been able to program some PIC12Fs, PIC16s, PIC18s, and dsPIC30Fs.


us burn error code 997

Usburn have an option is reassembler, with this option i can get a .hex file and convert to assembley?????how this option works??????


With your hardware, the only option is 18 pin/ICSP. Because you don't have the ZIF socket, which exists in the original version of Brenner8.

I Built the Brenner8-P, which has a ZIF socket, and I get the same behavior. I am stumped.

start program # 49 error pic brenner 8

you have already 18F2550 with you. Better settle for Junebug from or pickit2 from microchip.
all these hasstles won't be there.


usburn installation

My PIC burner works fine, without any problem. Brenner 8 is not bad at all. There was some trouble at the beginning, but each was my mistake. (I already built Brenner 8P wit ZIF socket).

usburn burn 18f2550

Good day everyone!

I am one of the beginers with PIC's.
Recently I have built the "BRENNER 8 mini" programmer and having some difficults: the programmer can recognise and burn only PIC 16 F 84 A. Any other PICs are not validated at all by device (even the message saying that "the PIC is not in database" is not shown). Furthermore even when no PIC is inserted into the socket the programmer detects a "PIC 16 F 84 A".
Could anyone to advise?
Many thanks in advance.

pic programmer zener 3.3v


This problem only happens to me , when i dont select the correct family in the usburn, when the pic is damage, or when no pic is inserted in the socket and i click in "identify pic in programmer".
Try reprogram the 18f2550 an calibrate the voltage, if the problem remmains check the programmer hardware, maybe the problem source.

If you are using windows vista install the driver for vista included in the new version of usburn (**broken link removed**), and upload the new firmware to 18f, and dont forget execute the usburn as admistrator.

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