Problem with loading hex on ED2 (Atmel 8051)

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Member level 3
Aug 1, 2007
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1)I am having a problem for my ED2(Atmel 8051) for loading .hex on it....
Flip(2.4.6) shows runtime error......

what should i do

2)can anybody give me the argument by which i can send .hex by Keil ?

3)any link for sample program in keil

thanx in advance....

Re: Keil 3

What Run Time error ?? and when do you get it ?
It may be due to corrupt installation of FLIP.
Post your error's screen-shot.


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Re: Keil 3

ya that was an installation problem........thnx...

actually i hv some other problem as well..........

it is 'time out error' when i click the connect (com1, buad 115200,manually sync disbled due to auto ISP), for my one ED2, using other not shows this message when i try to connect.this particular one(ed2) shows 'time out error'.it occur problem after once it was Erase,Blank check,Program,Verify done by flip 2.4.6.
Before no problem about anything thr.what shoud i do

secondly i need the Argument by which i can load .hex by keil.

thnx in advance

Re: Keil 3

It seems like the bootloader has been erased out. I am not sure, but it happens many times on P89V51RD2 which is similar to ED2. Try and see if Bootloader is erasable on this chip, if yes, ATMEL must be having the HEX file for loader which you can program using a parallel programmer.

I don't know what argument to pass to KEIL for programming. Never tried that. You can ask this question in KEIL forums.

Re: Keil 3

For Bootloader to work we should provide some hardware conditions then only it will come to programming mode..............

I have worked with AT89C51RD2.....In that PSEN should be made LOW at the falling edge of the RESET pin.....before it should be left floating ......
ALE should also left floating.....

If u provide these conditions only it will work........

and it is better to use flip 3.2.1 instead of flip2.4.6....


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Re: Keil 3

Yes, you need to ground PSEN to enter bootloader for programming.


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