Problem with LM338 regulator

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Ogu Reginald

Full Member level 6
Oct 7, 2011
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I am working on a power supply project and I am using LM338 regulator (metal case) but I am finding it hard identifying the configuration of the regulator.

you mean the pinout configuration of LM338? .. you can see the 2 pins. one is input and another is adjusment pin. And metal case which is the output.


  • LM338.jpg
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  • LM338_1.jpg
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I am not cleared yet. My problem is how to distinguish between the i/p pin and the adj pin. Please help me.

check the connection diagram in the datasheet, clearly explains you which is input and adjustment pin.
I have attached a jpg image, open it. the two pins which are input and adjustment is not located exactly at the centre. they are located somewhat closer to one end of the output pin. And, comparing with the datasheet, from the bottom view, left side pin is adjusment and right side pin is input. Make sure, these connections are from the bottom view


  • LM338_2.jpg
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No electronic circuit is simple until you have tried it and it is working. Thank you for the datasheet and thelittle explanation, I am now cleared.

Pay attention on power dissipation of this IC (around 50W is limit). Use good heatsink, I use heatsink with fan for PC CPU.

No electronic circuit is simple until you have tried it and it is working.

You dont need to try something to see is this simple or complex. But observer knowledge will decide on which side is design, simple or complex, and expirience you will get with practical working.

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