Problem with JDM and 18f452

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Newbie level 4
Nov 11, 2009
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Hi All,

I'm having some trouble programming an 18f452 with the jdm programmer design found here: **broken link removed**.

I have succesfully programmed a pic16f84a using this programmer and PicPgm spftware, but cannot program an 18f452 chip with it.

The circuit I have connected the icsp to is as follows:

ICSP --> Pic18f452
VDD --> VDD1 and VDD2
GND --> VSS1 and VSS2
PGD --> RB7
PDC --> RB6
PGM --> Floating

I also put a 10k ohm resistor between RB5(pgm) and VSS on the pic.

Using this setup, PicPgm cannot identify the pic or program it. Using IC-Prog, verify fails at 0000h meaning nothing was programmed.

Any ideas? What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks for your time!



A long story short - but think its time you upgraded to the Pickit2 programmer - see this forum for loads of details about them.

A good diy clone is the Pickit2 Lite - but of course you need to program the 18F2550 chip first !

Hi wp, thanks for the suggestion. However, I went with the JDM because I just need to program a bootloader onto a couple of pic18f452's and was hoping I could do it with something cheap and fast.

Since I don't need something for regular programming, does anyone have any troubleshooting tips for my jdm and Pic18f452 setup? If so they would be really appreciated.

Thanks again!

I think I may have found the problem. In the schematic I built from a 5.1v and 6.2v zener is used to supply voltage to MCLR. I believe the 6.2 should be 8.2 in order to give the required 13 v (right now I would max out at 11.3). I am going to replace the 6.2v zener with an 8.2 and see what happens.

Nope, that didn't fix it either. Although now the MCLR voltage is above 13 volts. Anyone have any insight?

hi! after long time i m facing same problem
please anyone help me
Lamstar ... did u find any solution about this problem because u have faced same problem such long time ago....

i need help........

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