I'm trying to replicate a charging circuit for Iphone 3 and 4.
I'm supplying a 5V to the charger using a power supply with the current nob adjusted to the max. (3A)
I tried supplying 2V to both D- and D+ but the Iphone keep displaying " Charging is not supported with this accessory ".
The multimeter shows ~80mA when the Iphone is plugged in with " Charging is not supported with this accessory " message and almost 0A when unplugged.
I tried 75k ohms and 50 ohms but it doesn't help either.
I got the resistor as close as it's rated value. (100.1K, 100.2K and 150.1K 149.9K)
your setup seems correct - see here : https://www.ladyada.net/make/mintyboost/icharge.html
so I suspect a stupid wiring mistake ?
I did this with 33Kand 22K resistors and it worked fine for me.
may be your usb-iphone cable is not the right one ?
I have an early ipod 30gb cable that says this for my iphone 3gs no matter the supply is good.
you need a 3gs or 4 usb cable.
I am able to charge other phone like Galaxy S4, etc using the circuit without any changes. ( My circuit connection has no problem )
I tried using the 3gs/4 USB cable but the Iphone still shows that message.
your setup seems correct - see here : https://www.ladyada.net/make/mintyboost/icharge.html
so I suspect a stupid wiring mistake ?
I did this with 33Kand 22K resistors and it worked fine for me.
may be your usb-iphone cable is not the right one ?
I have an early ipod 30gb cable that says this for my iphone 3gs no matter the supply is good.
you need a 3gs or 4 usb cable.
if you use a real apple charger with your usb cable does it work ? if yes the cable is good
I dont hear the galaxy somewhat uses the same resistor detection as the iphone. any power supply is ok for the s4.