Problem with interrupt pic16f877a

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Newbie level 3
Jan 11, 2013
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Hi, I am new to the forum, nice to meet you everyone!

I am working on a project that needs to do an interrupt from external source (RB0/INT) every time that there is a falling edge (TTL), at the moment I am just testing it with a push button, but the final idea is to use a quadrature signal as a input, similar to an encoder signal (I do not know if that can be done yet), but I want to go step by step. Below is my code, basically every time that I push the button it should go to the interrupt but it won't go when I am debugging, I do not know if I am doing something wrong, i would appreciate your help.

By the way I am using boostc compiler and pic16f877a. Many thanks.

#include <system.h>
#ifdef _PIC16F877A
#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 16000000
void inter_set();
void main()
                                porte.0 = 0;
void inter_set()
        trisb = 0b11111111;            //PortB as input
        trise = 0b00000000;            //PortE as output
        option_reg = 0b10000000;    // Interrupt on falling edge of RB0/INT pin
        intcon = 0b00000000;          // Clear interrupt
        intcon = 0b10010000;          // Enables the RB0/INT external interrupt                                                                          
void interrupt()
porte.0 = 1; 
clear_bit( intcon, RBIF );  // Clear flag bit

My configuration:

Please can anyone give me a hand. cheers.

Try enabling the RBIE first, then enabling GIE.

I suspect your code is actually working though. When the interrupt is called it sets PORTE bit 1 but as soon as you return to the main() it gets cleared again. You may only be setting the bit for a few uS before resetting it again, is this what you intended?


betwixt thanks for you help,
I tried what you said but still does not work.
I tried the code below, but still the same, anyone has any example of external interrupt using boostc compiler. thanks in adavance.

#include <system.h>

#ifdef _PIC16F877A

#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 20000000 
void Test(void);
void inter_set();

void main()

	while(1) { } 

void inter_set()
	portb = 0x00;
	trisb = 0x01;
	set_bit( option_reg, INTEDG );  	// Set for rising edge
	set_bit( intcon, INTE );		    // Enable external interrupt
	set_bit( intcon, RBIE );			// RB change interrupt
    set_bit( intcon, GIE );				// Set global interrupt			       

void interrupt(void)
   if(INTF)  // External interrupt, button RB0 has been pressed 
   clear_bit( intcon, INTF );      // clear the interrupt 


void Test(void){

porte.0 = 1;


If I read the code correctly, it should set PORTE bit 0 after the interrupt and do nothing else. Have you set PORTE to be an output and is the bit cleared before you start ?


You should read the port value next instruction after check interrupt flag. Everyone had the same problem.

Solved. The interrupt was happening really fast and I could not see it. Using breakpoints I managed to see it. many thanks again.

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