Problem with HP laptops

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Advanced Member level 3
Nov 29, 2006
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format hp laptop issue

Hi everyone!

I am having this strange problem with my laptop. A couple of times per day, the system stops working (hangs) for about 5 seconds and then resumes to work normally. This happens everyday and it is not a random thing. My laptop is HP entertainment series 6115 ea. I have emailed them a couple of times and they just tell me to format my hard drive. But I have too much crap on it to back up.

Sorry if you are a huge HP fan, but my laptop sucks and the support I am getting from HP is not good at all.

Has anyone had this problem? If yeah, please tell me what to do to solve it. (And do not say format your laptop )


problem on hp laptops

Let see now... other than formatting your laptop... hmmmm, I think I know.... buy a new one! HP Sucks and super sucks...I return my HP notebook just a mont ago because its disgustingly slow and they said tha it is suppose to be like that.

Yeah, I am gonna get there soon

Dont depend on HP or Agilent support.
I have heard that
They are good on delevering products.
when the products need to be troubleshoot, they run.

thanks man

Did you already look for the scheduled tasks ?

You mentioned is not a random problem, so I assume it happens within regular period of times.

Check them and disable the scheduled tasks that might be suspicious to happen based on the hanging time.

No, it is random, though I have not checked the scheduled tasked yet

the HP laptops have a very poor cooling fan and, heatsink.
A common problem is: overheating and, intermitent shutdown / restart.
first; do not sit your laptop on a flat surface get a cooling pad for it.
if you want to and, can fix your laptop the HP answer is: flash the bios with the new bios that hp provides to make your fan run at low speed constantly.
I however have used a micro transformer of 18.5 (20) volts direct current + or, =
(plus or, minus) to 12 vdc fan side.
This 'fix" is somewhat loud and, reduces battery run time but is the only one that really works.
Never reformat your harddrives to fix a power problem as they are a totally different system in your laptop.

My dv4 laptop pack off and any time i loosed it and heat up the board it start working but when ever it goes back to hibanation the power comes on but the screen does nt display any thing, can it be s procesor problem or what? any help please...its a AMD processor.

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