hello friends, I have made a microcontroller based circuit that needs two supplies. one with +5V to drive MCU(and some other components) and +12V to drive uln2803. I don't know where I am making mistake, but when I connect two voltages to the circuit from two different supply boards I get two different(and both are unsatisfying :sad
results depending upon from which power supply board I take the ground wire. i.e taking ground from +5V supply board, I get :
1)+5V pot. difference between 5V pin and GND pin on my MCU board. but...
2) 0V pot. difference between 12V pin and that GND pin and also between 12V pin and 5V pin :shock: and
3)+12V pot. difference between that 12V pin and the GND pin on power supply board from which this +12V has been taken.
on the other hand, when I connect ground wire to the GND pin on +12V power supply board I get different results:
1)+12V pot. difference between the 12V pin and GND pin on my MCU board.
2)+11.30V pot. difference between the 12V pin and 5V pin
3)0V pot. difference between +5V pin and GND pin on MCU board(which is now taken from 12V supply board).:shock:
4)5V pot. difference between +5V pin and GND on 5V supply board.
I have no idea about these results. could someone please tell me what mistake I have done, or where I am lagging. thank you very much .