I am using GEFANUC ic200udd104 -14point micro PLC with 8 dc inputs and 6 dc outputs to configure a High speed counter in channel 1.I have a pulse train input of 2.5khz to be counted with this counter.I admit i am not confident with the explanations provided regarding that in versa max manual.could anyone explain me how to realize the counter in the ladder in steps.
have some more clarifications.
1. Is the configurations of the channel alone enough to set the counter in opereation..?
2. how do i start and stop the high speed counter ...?
3. what is the exact function of commreq function...?
you can't achieve your requirement with PLC since most PLC's will have relay coils as inputs (for isolation of external voltage, relay contact will loop internal 5v as input) and those relay will hold continuously for such high rate pulse train resulting in high input. so better go for PLC's having solid state inputs or real time process controllers