I just received a shiny new tool but the selection is disabled (grayed out) under the MPLAB IDE debugger/programmer menu. What should I do?
MPLAB IDE 6.xx+ is device centric. This means that you must first select the target device (e.g. PIC16F917, dsPIC33FJ256GP710) before selecting the tool. You will find the Select Device dialog under the Configure menu.
This dialog provides useful information about tool-support for the selected device. When you select your target device, notice that the tool light colors change.
[Large Image]
A red light for a tool indicates that the tool does not currently support the selected device. The tool will appear disabled (grayed out) under the debuger/programmer menu.
A yellow light indicates that the tool has been minimally tested with the selected device and should be used only by early adopters. The tool is selectable from the debugger/programmer menu.
A green light indicates that the tool has fully tested and certified for general use. The tool is selectable from the debugger/programmer menu.
For the language tools (assembler and compiler), the "select device" dialog also shows the minimum version of the tool required to support the device.
You should also check the readme file for your tool to read about device-specifc issues. The readme files contain valuable information.