[SOLVED] Problem with designing an OTA using 90nm technology

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Newbie level 6
Feb 20, 2013
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I have a major problem and i am out of ideas so any suggestions will be great....
below is the image of the circuit i am trying to simulate: its for an OTA using 90nm technology: the requirements are
1. high linearity 2. high gain 3.low noise... the only difference in my circuit from the one in the image is that i am using all PMOSs

1) https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3237069900_1362096134.jpg

This the linearity curve i am getting:

and i am getting a very bad curve for the gain as shown below:

I chose the Ibias to be 4uA... the aspect ratios are as follows:

for M1&M2 are W=8.769n L=90nm
for M3 to M6 are W=5.35u L=180nm
for M7 & M8 are W=2.67u L=180nm
for M9 & M10 are W=8.769nm L=90nm
for Mcascp are W=450n L=1.35u
for Mcascn are W=7.35u L=1.35u

I dnt know whats the problem... the curve for the linearity looks ok.. but the gain is so bad.. i dont knw how to fix this from where to do i start ... so any suggestions are highly appreciated..
Thanks in advance

I would expect bad linearity if you are using all pfets, they will not work well with gates near supplies... why arent you using traditional cmos design ?

even when using traditional CMOS design...the response is even worse for both linearity and gain

- - - Updated - - -

i didnt mean to cross post.. i am new to the forum... my other post i was asking about smthg else and then one of the members asked to to elaborate... i apologize for not pay attention to that

Hi ashyma

Using longer L you will get higher gain. I have simple opam attached for you as reference: Gain ~65db, phase margin 90deg


I do not design in 90nm but i cant understand the increase of gate leads to increase of gain.. it leads to decrease in power via leakage current i guess. but increases caps at all nodes, slowing circuits down and if holding the W and current constant while reducing L will reduce your gm and should reduce your gain right? Maybe I am having a brain fart from lack of caffeine this morning.

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