Problem with connecting the pins of TK-19 IR receiver

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Apr 29, 2010
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IR Receiver problem

hi all
I am making a rotating light project and need to change its speed by remote control
so I used a TK-19 IR receiver like the one here
**broken link removed**

please could someone till me what each pin should be connected to ( signal , Vcc , Ground )
and another question can any IR transmitter like a Tv remote control works for it ?
Thanks in advane

Re: IR Receiver problem

Why dont you look its datasheet?It can detect the IR signals but you have to learn transmitter's algorithm.

IR Receiver problem

thanks for reply
I have already searched for its datasheet but can't find any
If you can guide me to the datasheet . It will be much appreciated

IR Receiver problem

Hi AirForces2050,
I dont no what your problem is! I did find in ca. 15 minutes (in my opinion) the same side wher you your picture has from & it has a clear pinout...
**broken link removed**, refer for fig. 2 pls...

IR Receiver problem

Thanks karesz
The problem is that i Have connected the IR receiver (pin 1 ground , pin 2 Vcc and pin 3 is the signal ) to a comparator opamp so it is supposed to give a pulse to the comparator to give a logic 1 and change the speed of the rotating light .
But that doesn't happen and it seems to never receive the signal from the transmitter !

IR Receiver problem

your problem is, I think, that its a selective receiver!:-(
You must have some bit stream at 30/33 or 36KHz, not a variable frequency for these devices...
Chek pls the attached datasheet (its similar product from Siemens).
IR Receiver problem

Other possible problem is that your TX-wavelength must be at 950 nm...
"- Available for several carrier frequencies
- Black epoxy resin, daylight filter optimized for 950 nm"
IR Receiver problem

Remember pls: google brings (some time) wonder!
Good luck!

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