-------------- Build: Debug in test (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler for AVR)---------------
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -Wall -DF_CPU=8000000UL -g -I/usr/include -c fuse.c -o obj/Debug/fuse.o
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -Wall -DF_CPU=8000000UL -g -I/usr/include -c main.c -o obj/Debug/main.o
avr-g++ -L/usr/lib -o bin/Debug/test.elf obj/Debug/fuse.o obj/Debug/main.o -mmcu=atmega8 -Wl,-Map=bin/Debug/test.map,--cref
Output file is bin/Debug/test.elf with size 8,74 KB
Running target post-build steps
avr-objdump -h -S bin/Debug/test.elf > bin/Debug/test.lss
avr-objcopy -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature -O ihex bin/Debug/test.elf bin/Debug/test.hex
avr-objcopy --no-change-warnings -j .eeprom --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex bin/Debug/test.elf bin/Debug/test.eep
avr-objcopy --no-change-warnings -j .lock --change-section-lma .lock=0 -O ihex bin/Debug/test.elf bin/Debug/test.lock
avr-objcopy --no-change-warnings -j .signature --change-section-lma .signature=0 -O ihex bin/Debug/test.elf bin/Debug/test.sig
avr-objcopy --no-change-warnings -j .fuse --change-section-lma .fuse=0 -O ihex bin/Debug/test.elf bin/Debug/test.fuse
srec_cat bin/Debug/test.fuse -Intel -crop 0x00 0x01 -offset 0x00 -O bin/Debug/test.lfs -Intel
srec_cat bin/Debug/test.fuse -Intel -crop 0x01 0x02 -offset -0x01 -O bin/Debug/test.hfs -Intel
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))