design 741 ramp generator
The ramp generator can't work this way. It seems to me, that you designed it from the scratch, without thinking thoroughly about the problem or having a known operational reference design.
Just to mentions two points:
- a 100 Hz sawtooth rather than a 50 Hz triangle waveform is required for symmetrical bipolar phase angle control. If you want to achieve something special, you should clarify the intended trigger and AC waveforms by a diagram.
- an integrator without a reset or a special clipping circuit doesn't give a defined output waveform
Furthermore, a trigger transformer usually gets saturated when driven with a 50 Hz squarewave. Also the power disspiation is probably too high. The common solution is to generate either a single short trigger pulse (of e.g. 20 us duration) or a trigger burst. This is particularly required considering the rather high trigger current of power thyristors and triacs.
I suggest to study the operation of state-of-the-art trigger generators, e.g TCA785, as a reference.