problem with board not turning off.

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Newbie level 3
Nov 27, 2014
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So my skills in this field are a beginner at best, so most likely I made a n00b mistake.

That being said, I was trying to combine a cx-10 quadcopter with a tiny camera. Both run off of a 3.7 volt battery, and both are ~100 mA, so I didn't see any issue, and if I run them off the same battery, the camera is light enough for the quadcopter to carry it.

But after taking it apart, I realized the wires were too short, so I replaced them with wire I had from an ardiuno kit.

And now the problem: as soon as I touched the last wire for the quacopters new wires together, it turns the blades on at high and the on/off switch does nothing.

I was confused, but said ok, i'll just replace the wires on the camera and see what happens.

And same result. It turns on automatically, but won't turn off or let me record or take pictures.

So thinking maybe its the wrong gauge of wire, I solder the old wires back on the camera, and again, turns on automatically and won't turn off.

Its not a huge deal if I messed up the boards, as neither was very expensive.

But If I didn't, I want to figure out what I could of done wrong.

Any thoughts on what could be wrong or that I could have done wrong to cause a problem like this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Trace out the circuit. The supply from the battery should go to the control board via the on/off switch (for the quadcopter). It sounds as though you have connected the camera ACROSS the switch, instead of across the quad copter supply downstream of the switch.

First off, thank you for the reply

Now, that explanation would make sense if i had the two boards connected, but right now, I only have the camera connected to its original battery using its original cabling and connection points, i.e. exactly how it was set up when I took it apart.

Yet, it still turns on automatically and won't turn off.

I did the same thing with the quadcopter, connecting it to its original battery the way it was when I took it apart. And the same problem there.

Both circuits all multilayered boards and the + and - connection points are not clearly connected to the switch, most likely some wheres in side the board.

Could I have shorted something by disconnecting the ground before the + wire? or soldering the + before the ground wire?

I replaced the wires with longer wires as the first step. But doing so resulted in this weird behavior of the quadcopter turning on at full power the second the second wire was soldered and will not turn off or let me control the quadcopter.

So I soldered the original wire back the way it came and still, same problem.

Did the same thing with the camera, and same problem, turns on and on/off switch does nothing. It's as if the chip that's controlling the amount of volts to the motors is not doing its job, but that doesn't explain the other behavior.

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