Hello everyone,
We have two LPDA antenna designs that are tested and perform relatively well with first prototypes made at one of Chinese PCB factories ( jlcpcb.com ). Our current and emerging problem is that prospective client can not accept any asset/component made in China ( strict ABC policy - Anything But China), and while we do not have a shortage of decent PCB houses in US and/or Canada, it turned out that ALL PCBs above certain size(s) will be sent to 3rd party factory which (as you already guessed) is located in China. We spent almost 3 weeks with MacroFab, ScreamingCircuits, and RushPCB trying to nail acceptable deal (specs, gerbers, quotes etc. - usual business), and while all three verbally (on a phone, and on repetitive, multiple occasions) confirmed US origin of PCBs, a moment we asked a written confirmation/statement from executive a true story started to unfold. So, here is a question to community - where can we make 2-layer FR4 and PTFE Teflon PCBs, 1.6mm, 1oz ENIG, size 500mm x 420mm THAT IS NOT CHINA and PCB shop/factory would certify that PCBs are indeed ABC (see above). We will be ok with Taiwan or EU (preferably NATO members).
Any help or references?