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Problem with Antenna PCB size


Member level 1
Member level 1
Apr 21, 2019
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Hello everyone,

We have two LPDA antenna designs that are tested and perform relatively well with first prototypes made at one of Chinese PCB factories ( ). Our current and emerging problem is that prospective client can not accept any asset/component made in China ( strict ABC policy - Anything But China), and while we do not have a shortage of decent PCB houses in US and/or Canada, it turned out that ALL PCBs above certain size(s) will be sent to 3rd party factory which (as you already guessed) is located in China. We spent almost 3 weeks with MacroFab, ScreamingCircuits, and RushPCB trying to nail acceptable deal (specs, gerbers, quotes etc. - usual business), and while all three verbally (on a phone, and on repetitive, multiple occasions) confirmed US origin of PCBs, a moment we asked a written confirmation/statement from executive a true story started to unfold. So, here is a question to community - where can we make 2-layer FR4 and PTFE Teflon PCBs, 1.6mm, 1oz ENIG, size 500mm x 420mm THAT IS NOT CHINA and PCB shop/factory would certify that PCBs are indeed ABC (see above). We will be ok with Taiwan or EU (preferably NATO members).

Any help or references?
UK located multi-cb specifies

Max. size 1 or 2 layers10dm²600mm x 1100mm
Max. size multilayer10dm²590mm x 1000mm
You can contact Eurocircuits. This PCB manufacturer specializes in small and medium-sized production runs and offers a wide range of materials, including FR4 and PTFE.
Thanks a lot to all of you! We will be in touch with suggested PCB shops. In a mean time we received an additional response from RushPCB - their production manager did some re-calculation and stated that they can produce this PCB antenna in US. Price wise, of course, it will be something like 8-9 times fold vs China but our client should be fine with this (they have to follow prescriptive policy). I just started to wonder if 8-9 time price difference for bare PCB (no assembly) is something normal in our field. Should we try South Korea going forward? Did anybody has previous experience with South Korea based CMs?

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