" ideally 0.25 wavelengths long" What does it mean? For example at 1000KHz (300m) the lenght of the antena should be 0,25 x 300 = > 75m high ?
"Try adding another coil and a variable capacitor in series with the antenna" What does it mean? After 10m of cable should i insert a LC tuned circuit and after it another 10m of cable? Should be something passive?
I like this kit. Legally...do the guys research you if you transmit at the end of the MW for example at 1600KHz? Or after 300Khz to 400Khz ( the old LW extended domain?) in a range of 400-500m ? Nowadays receivers don't have LW..only a few and frequencies after 260 or 280KHz they don't receive. What about 1,7 to 5,9mhz? Nowadays receivers don't receive SW..only a few receive from 5,9MHz to 18 or 21MHz. Rare digital receivers can tune from 1,6 to 26 or 30MHz. My valve receiver Graetz can tune from 1,7-5,9 and 6-18MHz.