First you need to decide the spcifications for your regulator.
Input and output voltage is not enough.
Current, input voltage range, output voltage ripple, power dissipation, budget, size, part count, EMI, and others are to think of.
Low droput are linear regulators especially designed for low droput voltage. Often they are used as post regulators for switching regulators.
Besides of low power dissipation the benifit for switching regulators is that they can generate a higher output voltage than the input voltage (boost converters) also there are types that can handle both higher and lower input voltage than the output voltage (sepic converters).
To get satisfying results a switching regulateor is more complicated to design. A proper layout, grond plane and intelligent routing is necessary. But with a good layout you can keep EMI low and use it in almost any application.
I use it in applications with very sensitive analog measurement where i measure in the pA range and also use oscillators in the same application.
So if you see a benifit in your application dont be worried and give the smps a try and make your own experience. Yes experience...before designing a smps read the datasheets carefully and go through some application notes. On
www.linear.com you will find a lot of helpful information. Also a selection guide to choose the right device.