Problem: "Total equivalent gate count" in ISE missing

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Mar 1, 2003
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I have a problem with "Total equivalent gate count" in ISE. In new ise (12 or later) there s no "Total equivalent gate count"!!!! I am looking for option but there is no option. Has anybody faced this problem?

Gate count in FPGAs is rather meaningless, hence probably why its been removed.

But it shows the area of your design. It can be useful when you want to compare two architecture together.

No it doesnt. LUT usage is far more useful. A single LUT can contain anywhere between 1 and many gates, hence why gate count is a useless figure.

But when you use a LUT, You may use it full or only one gate of LUT. It is the problem. I know one LUT is equal to 6 gate. But most of LUT is partially used.

Because I need a gate comparison between two architecture it cant actually help me.
I recently found that "Total equivalent gate count" is removed in ISE10 and earlier. Is it good idea to install an old ISE?

LUTs have no gates. They are just a function of the 4/5/6 inputs. Hence they could be a single and gate or many gates. If you only use 2 inputs, the lut is fully utilised. You cannoy use part of a lut.

So to compare the two, use LUT and register count to compare.

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